Channel: Indie Chicks Cafe» Beth Elisa Harris
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The Weight of the World


There is a family photo from the 90’s that sits in our living room. We had just arrived at the entrance of Sea World with two excited kids. My hair is long and curly and my almost 5’11” frame is very slender. The problem is…I likely thought I was fat, or at least needed to work on my body. The truth is I don’t remember ever being satisfied with my physical being, despite any confidence exuded. When I shared this secret with the hubster, he was shocked and astounded I felt this way. But I always have, as far back as I remember being conscious of my body and surroundings.

Let me set this up. The hubster of many years is a physically fit machine who, I don’t exaggerate, looks at least twenty years younger than his actual age…yeah, it’s a lot of pressure. He has never had so much as a sip of alcohol (by choice, not due to any conviction other than health) and owns a media business that includes the online fitness magazine efit360.com. He’s a former trainer, among other things. Needless to say, healthy living is integrated into our daily lives. It was not an adjustment for me, but learning the discipline of regular exercise has definitely been a process.

Like most of us, I have gained and lost, and as the years pass it doesn’t get easier. I also write articles for efit360 so I am exposed to all sorts of information about myth versus truth, as the site strives to cut through the BS of health and fitness and provide only facts. But from the human side of being me, a member of this fabulous league of women whose beauty is defined in every shape, size and color, I feel somewhat qualified to drop a few tips around how to negotiate a happy place between your inside and our outside physical self. So, here’s what I know for certain:

  • Exercise it NOT punishment or a chore, and if you think of it that way you’re doing it wrong AND you won’t WANT to do it…ever. SOLUTION: Just make a commitment to move DAILY, doing whatever you want to, for at least sixty minutes. If you’re rusty, start with thirty. When you come home from work, do not pass go but move directly to your closet and change IMMEDIATELY into your workout clothes. If you work from home (this includes motherhood), dress for exercise. Dressing for it gets you half way there. I’m not going to lecture about the benefits of regular exercise, because I recognize this is a super smart audience. But I want you to realize that what you eat is slightly less important when you move, really move, on a regular basis. No, sex doesn’t count but is highly encouraged.
  • Focus on health, not weight loss. Obsessing over body image is a form of self-abuse. The goal should always be health, disease reduction, and longevity. New studies are unlocking a “youth enzyme” found on the tips of chromosomes called telomeres; the protective caps on the ends of our threadlike chromosomes—similar to the plastic tips on show laces—that keep our genetic material safe from damage. A large part of preserving telomeres is exercising until you break a sweat. Exercise mitigates the effects of stress, and stress, as you know, shortens telomeres…and your life span. My new health mantra is, I don’t mind aging, but I want to do it well and without illness. Love your body in its current form enough to take care of it.
  • Weight loss is simple: calories in, calories out. In order to drop 1-2 pounds a week, you need to burn at least 500 calories per day, 6 days a week with a combination of exercise and eating. That’s it. There are no short cuts, secrets or formulas—just the daily decision to commit to moving for you overall well-being. The pounds will drop as a result. Remember, subtracting 50 calories per day (see tips below) adds up to 350 calories a week. If you sit six hour or more a day you have a 37% higher death rate. A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer, pulmonary embolisms and even the size of your fat cells. It’s not just about weight—it’s about overall health.
  • Avoid these foods if you want to not only drop pounds, feel lighter and more energized: The Whites – flour, sugar, salt. Same with starchy carbs with dinner; leave them out. Eat complex carbs like brown rice or sweet potatoes with your lunch protein, but stick with protein and green veggies for dinner. You will be very surprised how such a small adjustment can make such a big difference. Limit fruit intake, especially those with high glycemic index like watermelon. Treat yourself once a week. Think of eating and food as a lifestyle, not a temporary mode of deprivation. And never say the “D” word! You should never feel hungry, but learn the calorie, sugar, and sodium content of your favorite foods so you can be aware of what you’re consuming in a day. FYI, more than a 4 ounce serving of alcohol per day will sabotage not just your intake but also your sugar levels so beware.
  • Sugar—use stevia. Salt—just don’t. Salt really doesn’t need to be added to foods *ducks as readers heave salt shakers at writer* – here me out. You only need, and should have no more than 1200 mg of sodium per day. Have you looked at the sodium content in, let’s say, a pre-packaged frozen lunch? Yikes! There goes your daily requirement in one shot. Sodium naturally occurs in most clean foods. I use Spike, which has tons of flavor and hardly any sodium. Lemon pepper and lemon juice make fantastic salt substitutes. Experiment with other seasoning combinations. Cumin is fabulous, and my favorite. As you wean off salt, you will find yourself gagging when you taste salty foods. For butter, I LOVE Earth Balance which you can do anything with including bake. It has less cholesterol and bad stuff but tastes great. Reducing salt intake lowers blood pressure and prevents bloating and weight gain.
  • Sugar-free and light sodas contain artificial sweeteners that can lead to weight gain. The sweeteners have been found to trick your body by ‘faking’ sugars that activate the brain’s reward pathways differently than natural sugars do. As a result, you don’t feel as satisfied and your appetite actually increases. Water is always preferable. If you love tea and coffee like me in all forms, try using stevia and/or the Silk creamers. When ordering coffee out stick with simple lattes, regular or soy, hot or iced. I actually carry packets of stevia in my purse.
  • Don’t eat past 7:00 PM if you can help it. Don’t weigh yourself more than every other week. Stay focused on lifestyle. Make the decision every day to take care of you. NO “D” wording.
  • Finally, never EVER skip breakfast. Eating smaller, healthy meals actually INCREASES your metabolism which burns calories. Skipping meals will cause your metabolic rate to slow because your body goes into starvation mode. Carbohydrates are not the enemy, you just need the right kind. Stick with complex carbs and avoid starch and sugars carbs. Breakfast need not be frugal. I generally have an egg mixed with egg whites and two pieces of toast (gluten free for me) with Earth Balance. This keeps me going for several hours. Think protein and carb combo in the morning and afternoon. Don’t hesitate to grab ¼ cup of nuts like almonds or walnuts for a snack. They are great for satiating hunger and quick sustaining energy. Also encouraged is a mid-day bite of dark chocolate with an afternoon cup of tea!

I’ve dropped 13 pounds since May, and in that time I have munched on tortilla chips and splurged on frozen yogurt. Remember, quick fix weight loss using fad products and systems are not long-term solutions to healthy living. Make the decision to create permanent change in your routine. If leaving the house is difficult, invest in exercise videos. Zumba is the latest craze and incredibly fun. But don’t feel like you need to do anything fancier than brisk walking. As you get used to the routine and exercise becomes habit, you will become addicted to the feeling you get from vigorous movement and won’t want to skip days. I do my best thinking, problem solving and have my biggest creative moments when I’m sweating up a storm.

Here’s something to think about. By shifting your thinking, increasing your activity and switching up the whites and sugars today, you could conceivably lose at least 30 pounds by the end of the year. Think of how time quickly passes anyway, and how you could end the year  feeling great instead of feeling regret.

Parting tip: Make sure you have a supply of sports bras and good shoes. Don’t make laundry and excuse for not working out because you ran out of clothes. Target and outlet stores have affordable gear, so invest in you and get moving!

“Time is an invented thing. To say you don’t have time is to say ‘I don’t want to.’”

Summer Anytime Salad

This salad is so yummy you can change it up seasonally by adding dried cranberries in the fall or changing the fruit to strawberries or pears.

3 cups arugula

4 oz mozzarella

¼ cup walnuts

3 peeled, cored and sliced peaches or apples (recommend Gala)

1 cup fresh basil

2 TBS olive oil

1 TBS white wine vinegar

Salt & Pepper

Prepare the first 4 ingredients in a salad bowl. In a food processor or blender, pulse together the basil, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper (to your liking) then toss into salad.

Oven Fried Chicken

This is the best recipe for fried chicken lovers without all the fat from oil.

Cut up chicken pieces, your choice

¼ cup Earth Balance




Rinse chicken and place on paper towels. Mix about 2 cups of flour and a cup of breadcrumbs (Panko are my favorite) with seasoning of your choice. I use Spike, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder as a base then depending will add paprika, and a dash of chili powder or Italian seasoning.

Oven to 450 degrees. In a large Pyrex dish, melt the ¼ Earth Balance in the preheated oven then remove. Dredge the chicken pieces in your dry mix thoroughly saturating each piece. Place the dredged pieces in the Pyrex dish and bake for about 50 minutes. Large breasts will take longer than wings so you may want to remove the wings sooner. Chicken should be sizzling and golden brown.




About Beth Elisa Harris

Beth Elisa Harris is the author of the VISION trilogy and contributor to the INDIE CHICKS ANTHOLOGIES. She is currently working on re-releasing VISION with Sapphire Publishing later this year. A native California girl with a passion for travel, Beth has a wicked sense of humor and loves all things pop culture. Her weaknesses include OPI nail polish, high quality coffee, teas and dark chocolate, dogs, babies, and giraffes. For more information, visit her web site at http://bethelisaharris.com.

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